45 yr old male with abdominal distension since 4 months

This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of “patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan


Roll no -107

Case history-

A 45 years old male came with 

-c/o Abdominal distension since 4months

- SOB On  and off  since 4 months

 History of presenting illness-

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 months back then he developed abdominal distension which was ,Insidious in onset, gradually progressive in nature .

Since 1 month abdominal distension is progressive in nature for which he visited government hospital was diagnosed as ALD with portal Hypertension with Decompensated liver disease with Hepatic encephalopathy Grade 1 with Right pleural effusion mild. 

Pedal edema since 4 months insidious in onset gradually progressive ,relieved at night and aggrevated in morning (pitting type).

Sob present even at rest,orthopnea,PND present. 

No chest pain , palpitations.

C/o decreased urine output since 1 month since then patient is on Foleys catheter and 2 lit ascitic tap was done


K/c/o Type 2 DM since 15 years and on medications 

Operated for iliospoas Abscess 10 months ago 



Appetite: Normal 



Bladder- Decreased urine output since 1 month


Regular alcoholic since 15yrs

Occassional alcoholic since 4yrs (1- 2 times/ month)

2months ago patient consumed alcohol for 10days continuously 

General examination-

No pallor ,icterus, cyanosis, clubbing , lymphadenopathy 


Bp -110/70 mm hg


Temp-96.4 f

RR- 18cpm

SPO2- 98%on RA

Grbs - 125mg/dl

Systemic examination-

CVS-s1, s2 heard , no murmurs

RS-BAE present 

CNS- No focal neurological deficit 

 P/A- Inspection:

Round, with distention

Umbilicus: protruded

No visible pulsation,peristalsis, dilated veins and localized swellings.


Soft, distended, non tender 

No signs of organomegally


fluid thrill present 


Bowel sounds heard .


Chronic Decompensated liver disease with k/c/o Dm ll since 15yrs.


Fever chart:

Ascitic tap:



1.INJ Optineuron 1amp+100ml Ns /iv/OD
2.Tab lasilactone 20/50mg po BD 8am --- 4pm
3.syp.lactulose 15ml po BD 
4.syp Hepamerz 10ml po BD
5.High protein diet 2 egg whites/ day
6.protein powder 2tsps in 1 glass of water TID
7.Fluid restriction <2lit /day
8.salt restriction <2g /day

Follow up:
On 30/04/23

C/o abdominal distention (discomfort), shortness of breath present (reduced)
Stools not passed 

Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative 
pallor - present ,pedal edema present 
No icterus , clubbing, cyanosis,lymphadenopathy 

Vitals : 

BP- 140/80mmhg
PR -82bpm
Spo2 99% at room air 
GRBS - 110mg/dl
Temperature 98°F  
I/O :- 950ml/1150 ml

Cvs: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs,jvp not raised 
Rs: BAE,no added sounds ,NVBS, 

P/A: soft, distended, bowel sounds can be heard, fluid thrill present 


Pt is conscious, 

Speech is normal

No meningeal signs

Normal cranial nerve examination, motor system, sensory system

Gcs: E4,V5,M6


       R L

B ++ ++

T ++ ++

S ++ ++

K ++ ++

A ++ ++

P Flexor Flexor  

Chronic decompensated liver disease ( since 4 months)
K/c/o DM type 2 since 15 yrs
Anemia under evaluation
Chronic kidney disease  

1.fluid restriction < 2L/day
2.salt restriction < 2g/day 
3.INJ. optineuron 1amp +100 ml NS/IV/OD
4.Tab spiranolactone 25mg/po/bd 
5.syp lactulose 10ml/po/tid 
6.high protein diet 2egg whites/day 
7.protein powder 2tsps in 1 glass of water /po/tid 
8.strict I/O charting
9.vitals monitoring 4th hourly
10.GRBS monitoring 6th hourly

On 01/05/24
C/o abdominal distention (discomfort), shortness of breath present (reduced)
Stools not passed 

Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative 
pallor - present ,pedal edema present 
No icterus , clubbing, cyanosis,lymphadenopathy 

Vitals : 

BP- 140/80mmhg
PR -84bpm
Spo2 98% at room air 
GRBS - 182mg/dl
Temperature 98°F  
I/O :- 900ml/1550 ml

Cvs: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs,jvp not raised 
Rs: BAE,no added sounds ,NVBS, 


Round, with distention

Umbilicus: Inverted

No visible pulsation,peristalsis, dilated veins and localized swellings.


Soft, distended,non tender

No signs of organomegally


 fluid thrill, shifting dullness present 

Ascultation: bowel sounds can be heard


Pt is conscious, 

Speech is normal

No meningeal signs

Normal cranial nerve examination, motor system, sensory system

Gcs: E4,V5,M6


       R L

B ++ ++

T ++ ++

S ++ ++

K ++ ++

A ++ ++

P Flexor Flexor  

Acute on Chronic decompensated liver disease 
Normocytic Normochrimic Anaemia (Hypoproliferative)
?Anemia of chronic disease
HRS-Chronic kidney disease ? Diabetic Nephropathy with ? Porto pulmonary HTN

1.fluid restriction < 2L/day
2.salt restriction < 2g/day 
3.INJ. optineuron 1amp +100 ml NS/IV/OD
4.Tab spiranolactone 2t5mg/po/bd 
5.Tab udiliv 300mg/PO/BD
6.T.Rifagut 550mg/PO/BD
7.syp lactulose 10ml/po/tid
8. Syp.Hepamerz 10ml/PO/BD
8.high protein diet 2egg whites/day 
9.protein powder 2tsps in 1 glass of water /po/tid 
10.Inj.vit k 1amp +100ml IV/OD
11.strict I/O charting
12.vitals monitoring 4th hourly
13.GRBS monitoring 6th hourly


C/o abdominal distention (discomfort), shortness of breath present (reduced)
2episodes of stools passed 

Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative 
pallor - present ,pedal edema present 
No icterus , clubbing, cyanosis,lymphadenopathy 

Vitals : 

BP- 140/100mmhg
PR -90bpm
Spo2 98% at room air 
GRBS - 131mg/dl
Temperature 98°F  
I/O :- 750ml/500 ml

Cvs: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs,jvp not raised 
Rs: BAE,no added sounds ,NVBS, 

P/A: soft, distended, mild tenderness in both iliac fossa 


Pt is conscious, 

Speech is normal

No meningeal signs

Normal cranial nerve examination, motor system, sensory system

Gcs: E4,V5,M6


       R L

B ++ ++

T ++ ++

S ++ ++

K ++ ++

A ++ ++

P Flexor Flexor  

Acute on Chronic decompensated liver disease 
Normocytic Normochrimic Anaemia (Hypoproliferative)
?Anemia of chronic disease
HRS-Chronic kidney disease ? Diabetic Nephropathy with ? Porto pulmonary HTN

1.fluid restriction < 2L/day
2.salt restriction < 2g/day 
3.INJ. optineuron 1amp +100 ml NS/IV/OD
4.Tab spiranolactone 25mg/po/bd 
5.syp lactulose 10ml/po/tid
6.high protein diet 2egg whites/day 
7.protein powder 2tsps in 1 glass of water /po/tid 
8.Inj.vit k 1amp +100ml IV/OD
9.strict I/O charting
10.vitals monitoring 
11.GRBS monitoring 6th hourly 
12.Tab Clinidipine 10mg po/od


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