40yrs male with fever and pain abdomen



This is online E log book to discuss out patients de-identified health data shared after taking his guardian`s informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient`s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comments box is welcome.

  40yrs old male patient admitted on 18/10/21 with fever and headache since 15days and pain abdomen since 10days and loss of appetite since 1week . Blood in stools since morning. 

Daily routine:

He wakes up at 5 am in the morning   and goes to work in the farm by 7 he produces millets in farm and feeding 4 cows. .Has his lunch in the farm and  returns home in the evening ,eats his dinner and sleeps by 10 pm.

He gives history of spraying pesticides in his farm of 10acres 20days back. He mentioned about the insects in the farm. 

History of present illness:

  Patient Was apparently asymptomatic 15days back then he developed fever insidious onset, gradually progressive, diurnal variation of more during night and relieved on medication. 

C/0 Pain abdomen more in left iliac fossa non radiating and not associated with nausea , vomiting. 

C/o Headache diffuse type non radiating not associated with diminished or blurring of vision.

C/o Blood in stools since morning  fresh blood not mixed in stools. 

Past history:

No Similar complaints in past.

History of haemorrhoids 1yr back . Blood in stools and relieved on medication. 

Not a known case of dm, htn,asthma,tb,epilepsy. 

Personal history:




Bowel and bladder: normal. 

Allergies: no

Addictions: alcoholic.

Family history:

Not Significant. 

General examination: 

Patient is conscious coherent co operative oriented to time,place,person. 

Pallor: absent 

Icterus no

Cyanosis no

Clubbing no 

Lymphadenopathy no 

Edema no 


Pulse rate 78bpm, regular , normal volume.

Blood pressure 170/90 mm/Hg

Respiratory rate18 cpm

Temperature afebrile

Systemic examination:

CVS:S1 and S2 heart sounds heard.

No murmurs heard


Position of the trachea central

BAE present , vesicular breath sounds heard

Abdomen examination:

On inspection shape of the abdomen is scaphoid 

Tenderness in umbilical region. 


Patient is conscious,  coherent ,  oriented to place , time , person .



Urine examination:17/10/21

   Dengue test:





Hepatitis  B:

Hepatitis C:

Urine protein and creatinine:


Stool for occult blood:

Colour doppler 2D echo:

Usg. Abdomen:


Rheumatoid factor:




Provisional diagnosis:
Viral pyrexia under evaluation 
 Scrub typus positive .

Treatment (18/10/21):

Ivf ns,RL @100/ hr
Inj neomol l00ml / iv if fever > 101.01F
Inj pantop 40ml iv od
Inj Zofer 4mg iv sos 
Tab dolo650mg po TID
TabDOXYCYCLINE 100mg po bd  
Inj optineuron 1amp in 100ml ns iv 
Monitor vitals 4hrly .


3 episodes of spikes. 

Pulse rate 89bpm ,Regular , normal volume.

Blood pressure 130/90 mm/Hg

Respiratory rate 20 cpm

GRBS: 140mg/dl

Temperature: 98.4F


Treatment (19/10/21):

Ivf ns,RL @100/ hr
Inj neomol l00ml / iv if fever > 101.01F
Inj pantop 40ml iv od
Inj Zofer 4mg iv sos 
Tab dolo650mg po TID
TabDOXYCYCLINE 100mg po bd  
Inj FALCIGO iv at 0, 12, 24,48.
Inj optineuron 1amp in 100ml ns iv 
Monitor vitals 4hrly .


2 episodes of spikes
Headache ( diffuse type)

Pulse rate 72bpm ,Regular , normal volume.

Blood pressure 130/90 mm/Hg

Respiratory rate 24 cpm

Temperature: 98.6F

 GRBS: 108mg/dl

Treatment (20/10/21):

Ivf ns,RL @100/ hr
Inj neomol l00ml / iv if fever > 101.01F
Inj pantop 40ml iv od
Inj Zofer 4mg iv sos 
Tab dolo650mg po TID
TabDOXYCYCLINE 100mg po bd  
Inj FALCIGO iv at 0, 12, 24,48.
Inj optineuron 1amp in 100ml ns iv 
Syp lactulose 10ml 
Inj ceftriaxone iv 
Monitor vitals 4hrly .



1 episodes of spikes

Pulse rate 76bpm ,Regular , normal volume.

Blood pressure 100/70 mm/Hg

Respiratory rate 22cpm

Temperature: 98.6F

 GRBS: 107mg/dl

Treatment (21/10/21):

Ivf ns,RL @100/ hr
Inj neomol l00ml / iv if fever > 101.01F
Inj pantop 40ml iv od
Inj Zofer 4mg iv sos 
Tab dolo650mg po TID
TabDOXYCYCLINE 100mg po bd  
Syp lactulose 10ml 
Inj ceftriaxone iv 
Monitor vitals 4hrly .



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