
Showing posts from November, 2021

Internal assessment.

 N.sahithi  ROLL NO:96 Q1) define bone density, how it is measured?what are the causes ,clinical features ,diagnosis and management of osteoporosis? Bone density is amount of bone mineral in bone tissue. *Test used to measure bone mineral density is dual energy xray absorptiometry DEXA . Causes:  Caucasian or Asian race Malabsorption (nutrients are not properly absorbed from the gastrointestinal system) from bowel diseases, such as celiac sprue that can be associated with skin diseases, such as dermatitis herpetiformis Low estrogen levels in women (which may occur in menopause or with early surgical removal of both ovaries) Low testosterone levels in men (hypogonadism) Chronic inflammation, due to chronic inflammatory arthritis or diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or liver diseases Immobility, such as after a stroke, or from any condition that interferes with walking. Hyperthyroidism and hyperparathyroidism.   is myxedema c